Get To Know Me!

  • Favorite smells?
    Ugh, I LOVE coconut, anything coconut, the more potent the better! I bathe with Treacelmoon's My Coconut Island Bodywash, I use it in my hair, as a room spray! It's a gorgeous scent to me. I am also fond of lavender and various forms of currants. 

  • What is your full name?
    Charlotte Elizabeth Hall

  • Summer or Winter?
    Winter 100% I love the snow, the cuddle feeling because of the cold, with soft blankets and jumpers and the food? Ugh! Everything about Winter is magical and snuggly!
  • What is the farthest away you have been from home?
    I went on a school trip to Germany when I was in Secondary School (High School), traveling through Franch and Belgium to get there. We stayed in a hotel that sat next to the Rhein River, visited PhantasiaLand, visited cute little towns, it was lovely!

  • Do you believe in Ghosts?
    I am in two minds about it. Sometimes I can experience things that make me think, but logical thoughts make me think twice. I've had two marked experiences that make me think it was something "not of this world". And stories from friends and family strike me as remarkable too

  • What is the least favorite thing about yourself?
    I have always had a deep resentful hatred towards my weight. I feel, often, that nothing I do helps me. No sooner do I start shifting something and get into a routine, something happens to stop it, no matter how hard I try and determine myself. I don't think I'll ever be a skinny-missy. Even as a girl I had, what they call, "puppy fat".

  •  How do you feel about sharing passwords with a partner?
    Perfectly fine, in fact, I do, though I think he easily forgets them and needs reminding should he ever need to get on my laptop or something. I also know his passwords, but we don't really have the need to 'log in' for anything. We don't lock anything and the first person I tell about any social network news/chats is my partner, so he has no need to go looking himself!
  • Do you usually stay friends with your ex's?
    It depends on the circumstances surrounding the breakup. If it is a case where trust was broken, such as cheats, lying and other such situations, then no, complete separation is the best thing. I do have some teenage ex's on my friendslist but there is no real conversations going on, really they are just there for the sake of being an old acquaintance. 

  • Would you relocate for love?
    In a way, I sort of have, but it's occasional? My partner lives in another town but we, before Covid-19, stayed for long periods at each other's homes. It's a comfortable arrangement until we have a home of our own.

  • What has been your biggest mistake and what did you learn from it?
    One that comes to mind is not walking away from my past relationship and enduring it for as long as I did, wasting many years. But love makes you blind and I ignored the tell-tale signs of betrayal and infidelity. Why? Fear of being single? Stubbornness? I quickly learnt to be more cautious with my trust and to stand my ground. 

  • What is one dream you have not yet accomplished?
    Get married of course! Being engaged, I am still eagerly stalking Pinterest for ideas!

  • If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
    I would walk into one of the best camera stores, take the best camera and equipment, as much as I could carry, and walk out, without spending a penny!!

  • Have you ever seen something you can't explain?
    Several things! One was seen by myself and my Mam. She noticed it first out the landing window, it was a straight light, like a tiny star, it rose from the ground in the distance, we could not see from where it rose up behind distant housing estate and trees. The dot stayed there, hovering a while, then zoomed off, too quick to be a helicopter. I have also seen a shadow pass from door to door in an old flat, which myself, my ex and our pets noticed, to the point the pets either stood up on edge or growled anxiously. I don't think I slept that night. 

  • Have you ever had a dream about a past life?
    I have, in fact, I was put under hypnosis so a lady could gather information about one of my past lives. When I returned out of the hypnotic state, she showed me the questionnaire she had done and the notes she had made and I learned what I had said. The past life that came forward was a man who worked as a blacksmith for a wealthy family in San Francisco during the 18th century, he went to a tavern and began speaking to a pretty lady when the man who owned her outright for prostitution, or simply fancied her, took the conversation to be soliciting her favors and my past life fellow was beaten up and stuffed into a barrel which was pushed into a creek. Unfortunately, he died, accidentally or not, from drowning. I don't know if the man who beat him up intended that purpose or not.

  • Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?
    Little green men? No, but I do believe there must have been, somewhere, another big bang, like ours, that has created other planets and therefore evolution of life, either behind our advancement or before. I don't think people get 'beamed up', experimented on or that area 51 holds the bodies of dead aliens that crashed. 

  • What artistic medium do you use to express yourself?
    My Photograph. I have loved working with cameras from a young age and still enjoyed it as I went into Sixth Form and then into college, in which I achieved myself an A-Level. Since my college days, I set up my own little photography business, photographing landscapes, wildlife and I even branched into modeling work. 

  • What things do you do routinely and feel unbalanced if they are not done or done incorrectly?
    Oh! I could rave on with this question for a while so I think I'll be a brief and as to the point as I can with it! From the moment I wake up, I have to have the bed made in a certain way or I don't feel right, this is even before the morning bathroom visit. My room has to look a certain way or I don't feel right, I don't like things on the floor, even things like shoes. My ornaments and bedroom decor has its own place I think makes me feel happy. I have a specific television volume, bath temperature, scents, brands of products like shampoo and antiperspirants, curtains closed at a certain time. The list can go on. I know this is a "thing" because when my partner does something to disturb my "space" I feel very frustrated and can even snarl if his trainers are just pushed against the bed, so of course, he does it on purpose! Reading this back, I feel akin to the spiritual level of Sheldon Cooper.

  • Where do you find inspiration?
    A lot of the time it's when I listen to music. I can sit with my eyes closed, listening to the lyrics, the harmonies, the orchestra (depending on the genre). Some songs brought some characters I have written in the past to life, inspiring their next motives and plots. And of course, there are stories written by others; classics come to mind. I noticed long ago that when it comes to books, fiction, fan fiction or the likes, I don't like anything written in modern times, I read period pieces. So it was little wonder I took inspiration from them, making my own historical ideas!

  • Who was your first celebrity crush?
    It was my mother who first introduced me to the band The Rasmus and back then I was first getting into the "Goth" stage of my life. Bands like H.I.M and the likes were all new to me so when I first heard my mom playing the Album 'Dead Letters', I was intrigued. This was the beginning of my young crush on Lauri Ylönen. There was something about his voice, his green eyes and the unique style of his hair (If you know him, you know about the raven feathers he wore in his hair). I still think he is handsome but my crush moved onto new heights. *stares at Ian Somerhalder's chizzled jaw*

  • Who is your favorite author?
    I can never answer this question because I have a few and I feel bad for leaving another great writer out when I love them all equally. So I am going to cheat a little and list my top three! First, Jane Austen, Second Charles Dickens and Third (at this present moment) Phillipa Gregory

  • Do you collect anything?
    A few things. Childish or not, I still have a Pokemon card collection in a flip folder. I collected them as a kid and around 4 years ago I revived my love of Pokemon (Along with Pokemon Go coming out) and started a collection again. I also have a strong affinity for the word 'Tsundoku', which is Japanese for book wording. I love buying and collecting books! I collect some Gothic Decor too, but that is more indulgence buying. 

  • What was your first job?
    It started off as me helping an old school friend, she asked me to cover a few shifts at an Ice Cream/Burger place, down at the beach in my town. It was a seasoned job, opened only in the warmer months. They took me on for several months until I was told I was no longer needed. I worked in the Ice Cream stall, making the ice cream in the machines, cleaning up, closing up etc. It was a daft little cash-in-hand job.

  • Do you have pets? (If so insert photo).

  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
    I'd like to think I'd be in our own house, married and settled. Just nice and simple as that. I need nor want anything more. Just a nice happy and ordinary life with my partner. 

  • What was your favorite/worst subject in school?
    I loved English Literature and Art through Secondary School (High School), I opted to do Art for my GCSE's. However, I hated P.E (Physical Education aka Sports) with a passion. I hated the fact we were made to run around the school field in cross country. I did not mind trampoline so much, that was kinda fun, but everything else? I think I had a constant menstrual cycle too given all the notes I had my mum write for me to get me out of swimming. 

  • What activities make you lose track of time?
    Gaming mostly. I can play Sims 4 for hours before it dawns on me that hours had gone by. Reading too, especially if the book is very endorsing. I suppose I can say baths too, I love a good soak and can honestly spend a long time laying there, topping up the heat of the water.

  • What has life taught you recently?
    Life is very unpredictable. That some people you trust will disappoint you, some friendships won't last and that no matter what is thrown at you, you have the ability to overcome it and heal. Rather than dwelling on the loss, celebrate life and cherish memories. 

  • What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?
    If I had to really choose between many things and pick only one thing, it would be to travel to Europe, in which, at some point, I take part/see the masquerade in Venice. I'd love to see Italy, Greece, cute little Hazel and Gretel type towns and villages. 

  • Do you have a nickname?
    Chaz? Char? Charzy

  • Is there ever a time when giving up makes sense?
    Yes. I once had to make the choice between friendship or continuing harmful situations/scenarios. It was not worth the pain being endured and though I am sure the "other party" say otherwise, I still stick by my decision and it has done me good. Trying to heal something already broken and toxic was always going to end badly and that was proven to be the case. Yes there was fallout and yes there was surprising facts that came to light, but it made sense and so far I have not regretted the decision. 

  • Who do you trust and why?
    I don't know why but this question makes me nervous. I think it is because I find trust very difficult. Over the years, I have trusted and had several people take that trust and crush it in their hands. The most recent betrayal of trust came so unexpectedly and out the blue, I was left devastated. I think the only true person I can trust is myself. Of course, there is a special case in regards to my partner and I like to think the feeling there is mutual. 

  • What are you looking forward to?
    Right now, the end of quarantine and the hopeful continuation for normality. This year has been a difficult one and I hope for myself, and everyone else, it ends soon. Here is to 2021 being better!

  • Are you a morning or a night person?
    I am certainly a night owl!

  • Are you an Extrovert or Introvert?
    Introvert. I much prefer being alone or with my partner and close family.

  • Are you more of a tidy or messy person?
    I was a terribly messy child and teenager, but over the years I go insane if items are not in places I prefer them. I make my bed every day, have my cushions arranged, have my desk all neat with everything in it's place. I sometimes think I've misdiagnosed OCD. 
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