A Fresh Start | New Blog

This is a post I never anticipated I would be writing, for none of this was ever planned but due to some severe technical difficulties with my previous blog's theme provider, I've had no choice but to start a new blog. Trying to fix and amend the errors was seemingly unfixable and even refreshing the theme/layout was not fixing the issue, therefore I've had to make the difficult decision of moving to a new blog and "start fresh". This initially really upset me, for I had dedicated many hours and time to my old blog, gaining 20,000+ views.

I have managed to regain the blog's original look with some little refreshing changes for this new blog but I've had to change the method of online storage. One drawback to the theme/layout breaking was the loss of thumbnails and images, which I have had to spend many hours re-making (some from scratch).

However, I am trying to see the positive in this situation. With the year very soon coming to an end, I may use this as an opportunity to start again and open up to new and exciting content. Some old posts I may re-upload, given their sentimental and personal value, but any future posts I hope will bring a new freshness and hopefully a positive vibe. I won't deny that my old blog was filled with several woes, so maybe this can be my step forward into feeling better?

Anyway! If you read this, thank you for visiting and thank you for understanding!
All my love and happy Holidays!

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