Dennis | Story And Questions!

No doubt you know Dennis already, especially if you know me well. Very much like his character, he loves to be the centre of attention and from the moment he came into the family, he has been such a big happy presence. We have had Dennis since December 2018 and what a time it has been! I've done a brief "About Dennis" before but now this blog is brand new, I wanted to go more in-depth, about his adoption process, his name and other things!

It was no secret, following the sad passing of family members, I was in a low place and for a long time, I had contemplated having a toe-beaned companion to share the days with. In turn, I felt I had love and nurturing to give. Whilst yes, I had/have my partner, but as we did not live together at the time until future life events matured, I began to think seriously about having another pet. My family had pets before and it was the sad passing of our old Dog, Winston (Winnie), due to age, that we did not feel like taking on another pet (It's never nice to say goodbye to a loved one), until Dennis. 

Over time, I began mentioning the idea and at first suggested a cat but as there was a general dislike for cats in the immediate family, I respected that and suggested a dog instead. When the likelihood of it actually happening began to grow, I began to think of adopting a Puppy, one I could train up from its youth, to respect house rules, toilet train, walk nicely on the lead etc. However, we then had a recommendation to adopt a Dog, not necessarily a young puppy, but a Dog that needed a forever home with lots of love and care. Family members who had adopted Dogs themselves then put us in the direction of New Moon.

New Moon is a Rescue and Adoption Charity that works in partnership with rescued Dogs in Romania. The rescue charity in Romania takes strays/abandoned pets off the streets, fated to be killed by Romanian laws and returns them to full health and when the time is right, begin the process for adoption. 

Once we were shown the Charity, naturally, we began to browse the dogs that were awaiting fostering/adoption and it was there we spotted Dennis. We had not long lost my Grandfather who was called Dennis, so spotting this lovely dark-furred chap, we were immediately drawn to him. We did not change the name of Dennis when we adopted him, we kept the name the Shelter/Charity had given him as it was too special and unique for us. Following some conversations, we began the go-head to adopting him.

The Charity was wonderful and carried out a home check and helped us learn everything we could about Dennis and his requirements. To bring Dennis over to the UK, he needed a Doggy-Passport and following other necessary paperwork and processes, he was given his date for coming on the bus. Many others had adopted around the same time and it was arranged that the bus, like a travel kennel, was going to arrive in the UK and drive door to door delivering the happy dogs to their new families. 

I highly recommend New Moon to anyone looking for a new pet. Many of these dogs are looking for new homes and love and would be so grateful to be your companion. Please give these dogs, or any rescue Dog, a chance before you consider buying puppies.

I will never forget the moment we saw him, he was perfect. It was gut-wrenching nervousness and love all at once. We had set up a "safe space" for him to go to help him acclimate to the new house and let him explore and get his bearings in his own time. The first day he was unsure but after that, he very quickly began to come out his shell. Much to our surprise, he seemed very well behaved right away. It took a few attempts to get him to go toilet outside and it was trial and error testing on how he liked to walk, which we learned he prefered the harness to a collar lead. He also took to his Penguin, a cuddly toy we bought for him in anticipation for his arrival.

As time went by, Dennis showed more of his personality and we were further surprised to learn that he took to commands very quickly. Sitting, waiting, walking nice, getting into the car; all these things came very naturally to him and, honestly, we did not need to do much to teach him. Even now, on this day, he is a very well behaved boy. Of course, he has his mischievous moments which, when he pulls his cute faces, he gets away with. He is also very much a daddy's boy. He absolutely adores my partner and is all over him at any given opportunity.

Now, he is a large and thriving chunky boy. He is perfect in every way. He loves children and he quickly warms to other dogs. He's very photogenic, loves showing off and being the centre of attention. We are very glad we decided to go down the adoption route and Dennis has filled the gap we very much needed in our family. We love him to pieces!


What is your pet’s name?
Dennis Hall Colman

How did you come up with the name, does it have any specific significance?
The name Dennis was already given to him by the charity that was bringing him to the UK. However, my grandfather who had, at the time, recently passed away was also called Dennis, so it was almost providential. It was perfect timing. 

How old are they?
He is three his coming Summer.

When did you get your pet?
Just before Christmas 2018.

What breed is your pet?
His breed is technically unknown, but we can guess something mixed with a Dutch Shepeard. As he was a rescue, he could be a mix of anything.

How old were you when you got your pet?

What Colour are their eyes?
Even from a young pupper, he had the most dazzling hazel eyes. And he still does to his day.

How did you get your pet?
Dennis came to us via the Dog Rehoming Charity New Moon, which brings dogs from Romania and finds them new homes in the UK. The charity was referred to us by a family member who has used the Charity for their lovely dogs. Following home checks, we waited for him to travel to us.

What is your pets’ favourite food?
Definitely chicken, he can not get enough of the stuff. But he loves his big meals of the day, biscuits with meaty chunks. He also has this thing for milk.

What is your pet’s favourite game?
Digging. He digs the bed, the garden and the rug. He also has a toy squeaky shark. He also loves stealing socks from us when he thinks we are not looking, then proceeds to toss them about like he is saying, "Haha I got it look!"

What is your favourite thing to do together?
Sleeping and driving out in the car. It's lovely seeing how enjoys looking out the car, watching the world zoom by. He likes to sleep next to me too, which is always nice for cuddles and bonding.

Do you go outdoors? If yes, where is your favourite place to go together?
Dennis loves visiting his Waynes grandparents. He loves the forest near where they live, he loves the beach and loves it when we go to the Caravan.

What is a bad habit that your pet has?
Digging in the garden is one, always in the same spot. He also has a habit of waking you up in the middle of the night to go out, without considering how late/early it is.

What is the best thing about your pet?
His affection and behaviour. For as much as we tease him he's a "bad lad", he has more training than any other dog might have done. We did not need to teach him to sit or lie down or 'come here, he picked these up almost right away. Same with the car, the first time he went in, he jumped in without question or coaxing. 

What is the naughtiest thing your pet has ever done?
Can hardly call it naughty, he's not really a misbehaving dog. When we first got him, he pooped once in the house, but that was it.

What is the funniest memory involving your pet?
Probably when he managed to get off his lead on the beach. He did not run away from us but gave us a merry dance, running around us.

Share a photo of your Dog?

What is the best memory involving your pet?
Personally, my favourite is when I was writing Xmas cards not long after we got him. He laid next to him with his head on my lap watching. I don't know why,  but that is my sweetest memory. It showed how, in such little time, he had made himself part of the family.

What is the most rewarding thing about being a pet owner?
In Dennis' regard, it's knowing we provided him a new home, compared to what he might have known. With us, he has love, care, friendship and family.

Where does your Dog sleep?
He has a few favourite places. Sometimes, he sleeps in the bed with us, though some may consider this a big NONO, he's a very clean and pampered Dog, he never misbehaves. Other times, he has a big squishy bed in a little alcove in my bedroom which he hordes all his toys with.

Does your pet have a nickname and what is it?
He has several. Dennisyboo, Baba to name two.

Have you ever taught your pet any tricks if so, what?
Dennis already had some things which he picked up quickly, but over time, he knows to get into his bed by command. And he gives you his pay in return for treats and his food.

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